About Us

This is a blog started by the Watts girls as a way to share and publish recipes, craft ideas, and other goings on in our lives. Here we can each follow along with each other (as can our readers) as we embark upon all of our creative endeavors!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Decorative Ball with Paper Flowers

A few weeks ago I posted here about making paper flowers out of recycled / upcycled magazine pages.  After making LOTS of those cute little flowers, I decided to make a larger craft project using the flowers and made two pomanders (decorative balls).

Pomanders are those decorative balls with paper, silk or sometimes even real flowers that you see on the back of chairs or the ends of pews sometimes in weddings.  They can also be used as a cute hanging decoration for a garden tea party or just inside somewhere.

To make the pomanders, I chose two different sizes of styrofoam balls.  I found "smooth styrofoam" ones at Michaels which were much easier to work with than those with a rough, grainy surface.  Using hot glue, I attached each of the individually made flowers onto the ball, and also attached a long white ribbon for hanging.  Here are some photos of the results:

With Alison and Stephen opening their Etsy shop to sell handmade items in order to raise money for their Uganda adoption (check it out at http://www.etsy.com/shop/Uganda1418), I thought these cute decorative accents would make a good addition to the other items they are offering.  So, I'm sure these little flowers are going to keep me very busy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this Carrie! I definitely think you can make them for the shop!
