About Us

This is a blog started by the Watts girls as a way to share and publish recipes, craft ideas, and other goings on in our lives. Here we can each follow along with each other (as can our readers) as we embark upon all of our creative endeavors!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dishwasher Detergent

If you are hooked on making your own cleaning supplies now, here’s one more for you!

Dish Washing Detergent:
1 tblsp Borax
1 tblsp Baking Soda
per load

So what I did was put 5 cups of each in a plastic canister with a lid under my sink. Mixed it up and scope out two table spoons for each load! It is great for your dishwasher and works well at cleaning your dishes. However you will still want to use a rinse agent to get your glasses really sparkling. But it really saves you money on the detergent.


  1. have you tried it yet?

  2. the dishwasher detergent, yes, but the laundry detergent no, because we still have some left over so I have just seen Lindsey use it so far
